Specialty Paper Name Tags & Badges, Lasered

Let your meeting, conference and event name tags and badges tell a memorable sustainability story. We’ve done the research to find unique cardstock papers made with eco-friendly production.

  • Choose Enviro Grocer Kraft, Recycled Cotton Denim OR 50% Grass Bio Cycle
  • Laser a design templates for your attendees to write in names, or add variable name lasering
  • Three available sizes

Low waste, recyclable conference, tradeshow and event name tag badge from recycled grocer kraft paper with laser engrave

4.25″ x 5.5″ 3.66″ x 5.66″ 3.66″ x 4.25″
Enviro Grocer Kraft – Single Design/Badge $0.98 $0.93 $0.82
Enviro Grocer Kraft – +Variable Names/Badge $1.18 $1.12 $0.99

Sustainable conference and event name tag lasered into recycled cotton denim paper.

4.25″ x 5.5″ 3.66″ x 5.66″ 3.66″ x 4.25″
Recycled Cotton Demin – Single Design/Badge $1.09 $1.02 $0.89
Recycled Cotton Demin – Variable Names/Badge $1.30 $1.23 $1.07

Zero waste, biodegradable event and conference name tag badge from upcycled grass and paper cardstock with laser etch.

4.25″ x 5.5″ 3.66″ x 5.66″ 3.66″ x 4.25″
50% Grass Bio Cycle – Single Design/Badge $1.18 $1.10 $0.95
50% Grass Bio Cycle – Variable Names/Badge $1.41 $1.32 $1.14

Our three available sizes means no leftover paper waste on our stock sheets:

4.25″ x 5.5″ | 3.66″ x 5.66″ | 3.66″ x 4.25″

Enviro Grocer Kraft Paper, 100# cover stock

  • FSC® Certified, Green Seal™ Certified, Green-e Certified production
  • Made with 30% or more Post-Consumer Fiber
  • ENVIRONMENT® Papers are made by Neenah Paper, with US and European facilities focused on reducing environmental footprints.

Recycled Cotton Demin Paper, 120# cover stock

  • Made from 100% PCW with denim scrap diverted from the millions of textile waste sent to landfills every year.
  • Pulps remain unbleached and require no dye in the paper­making process.
  • Part of the Renewal line from Mohawk paper, made in the USA with Green-e Certified production.

50% Grass Bio Cycle Paper, 111# cover stock

  • Made from up to 50% grass and other eco-friendly materials
  • FSC® Certified, carbon neutral
  • Paper from plant fibers is compostable, offering nutrients to grow new plants
  • Made in Germany by Gmund: up to 75% of electrical energy comes from their own renewable sources of hydropower, solar energy and combined heat and power generation
  • Laser etching of either your single design for attendees to write in names.
  • Option to add dynamic variable laser engraving to include your list of attendee names.

1-3 weeks depending on quantities.


Prices and descriptions may vary and will need to be reconfirmed with formal a quote. Additional setup/art charges, kitting/shipping charges, required taxes, rush charges or any others may apply and will be communicated prior to order. Subject to our Promotional Products Terms & Conditions

Hooray for using less plastic! Send us as many details as possible for your event needs and we’ll get started on your custom quote.